This edition of the Brushfire was published in Spring 2023.
From Editor’s Note:
“As we approach the end of another school year, the simple phrase I made it circles my mind. These three words convey a sense of relieved accomplishment, yet they don’t hold much meaning. Just by getting through my days, have I made anything? And what does the vague term ‘it’ conceal about my intended subject? Where have I ‘made it’ to?
From a grammatical standpoint, the phrase is nearly worthless.
However, given context, I made it holds power. Brushfire has made it—seventy-five editions, seventy-three years. Made it to an increased page count, which lets us feature more literature and art. Made it to host the publication’s first gallery exhibition and poetry nights and plan more exciting events for the future.
I made it becomes profound when used as an expression of survival or an artist’s declaration. To my delight, the idea of making one’s self emerged in this Brushfire volume. The following works grapple with self-discovery and fashioning a place for your own, which seemingly involves a fair amount of existential dread.
So grab a box of tissues, and please enjoy Edition 75, Volume 2 of the Brushfire.